What is your relationship’s secret strength?Take the quiz
Do You Resent Your Partner?

Do You Resent Your Partner?

Do Your Resent Your Partner? Resentment is a feeling that can quickly build in relationships, stemmingfrom feelings of being wronged, hurt, or mistreated. These feelings, if left unaddressed, can lead to anger, bitterness, dissatisfaction, and general unhappiness in...

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What it’s Like Being Together for 22 years

What it’s Like Being Together for 22 years

What it’s Like Being Together for 22 years Kim and Rog answer questions about their 2 decades together, providing a candid look into their relationship.These Show Notes are a ChatGPT summary of the episode transcript (with brief additional editing) Apple | Spotify In...

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Why women need space to talk right now

Why women need space to talk right now

Why women need space to talk right now This episode delves into the widespread issue of violence against women, its profound impact on their sense of safety and well-being, and the ways in which partners can offer support.These Show Notes are a ChatGPT summary of the...

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How to Celebrate Your Differences

How to Celebrate Your Differences

How to Celebrate Your Differences It's common for couples to have differences that lead to disagreements. However, these differences can become a source of strength rather than a cause of stress.These Show Notes are a ChatGPT summary of the episode transcript (with...

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You Can’t Change On Your Own

You Can’t Change On Your Own

You Can't Change On Your Own While it may seem unfair as once again women have to fight for a fundamental right (to grow and change), they often need to educate their partners about their needs and desires to achieve the desired outcome of a supportive, understanding...

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9 Winter Date Ideas

9 Winter Date Ideas

9 Winter Date Ideas Kim and Rog share nine winter date ideas that are both fun and practical, aimed at keeping the romantic spark alive despite the chilly weather.These Show Notes are a ChatGPT summary of the episode transcript (with brief additional editing)Apple |...

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What Makes a ‘Fun Couple’… ‘Fun’

What Makes a ‘Fun Couple’… ‘Fun’

What Makes a ‘Fun Couple’… ‘Fun’? Kim and Rog identify several key traits common among ‘fun couples’.These Show Notes are a ChatGPT summary of the episode transcript (with brief additional editing)Apple | Spotify In episode 65 hosts Kim and Rog explore the essence of...

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