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A simple tool to help you start dreaming together in 2024

Vision boarding aids in understanding and aligning with your partner’s dreams, turning them into collective dreams.

These Show Notes are a ChatGPT summary of the episode transcript (with brief additional editing)

Episode 46: A simple tool to help you start dreaming together in 2024

Vision boarding aids in understanding and aligning with your partner’s dreams, turning them into collective dreams.

In this episode hosts Kim and Rog delve into the concept of creating a vision board as a simple way to start dreaming together as a couple. The episode begins with Kim explaining the science behind vision boards, which she describes as an exercise in visualization.

She reveals that research indicates that the brain interprets vividly imagined experiences in the same way as actual experiences, creating a similar neural pathway and providing some of the benefits of the experience without it taking place.

The hosts emphasize the importance of aligning dreams, viewing the relationship as a team unit and prioritizing it above individual needs. They explain how vision boarding aids in understanding and aligning with your partner’s dreams, turning them into collective dreams.

They also discuss how vision boards serve as a constant visual reminder of the goals and dreams you have set together as a couple. This can be especially powerful during tough times, when it’s easy to lose sight of your shared dreams and get caught up in the day-to-day struggles. A vision board can help refocus and realign your priorities, bringing you and your partner

Kim and Rog explore the chemical reactions associated with bonding as well. They mention how certain activities, like creating a vision board as a couple, help release bonding chemicals like oxytocin and vasopressin. They draw comparisons to corporate organizations which use similar exercises to foster unity and cooperation among team members.

Kim and Rog then detail a three-step process to creating a successful vision board as a couple.

1. Preparation: The first step involves choosing an undisturbed time and place, free from distractions. This allows the couple to focus solely on the task at hand. They also recommend gathering all necessary materials beforehand to avoid interruptions during the process. These materials could include magazines, photos, markers, or digital tools like PowerPoint. The chosen medium should be comfortable for both partners and should facilitate the creative process.

2. Visualization Prompt Questions: The second step involves using prompt questions to ignite the visualization process. Questions could encompass various aspects of life, like imagining a perfect day a year from now, exploring shared adventures or experiences, or contemplating the legacy the couple wishes to create. The hosts stress that these questions should focus on collective dreams and aspirations, reinforcing the team aspect of the relationship.

3. Displaying the Vision Board: After creating the vision board, the final step is to display it prominently in a shared space. This serves as a constant reminder of their shared dreams and aspirations, making them more tangible and attainable. The board is also a representation of the couple’s values and what truly matters to them. It serves as a tool for living a more purposeful and deliberate life together.

The hosts remind listeners not to feel embarrassed by the simplicity of the exercise and to approach this activity with a playful, creative spirit, leaving any judgment behind. They reiterate that the essence of this activity is not just about materialistic ambitions, but about strengthening the relationship and fostering a shared vision for the future.

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